Monday, December 13, 2010

I Heart Faces - Pet Faces

Awwww how gorgeous are some of the photos at I Heart Faces - Pet Faces... just so beautiful...

So here's a pic of our Mr Milo, he has been with just almost a year now and he is almost 14 months old, and is just adored by our family...
Until next time -- Nic xo

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Now seriously kids...

Okay were were trying to get a great fun picture for the Christmas cards with year... so of course we thought, lying on the front lawn would be fun... asked the kids for a funny face and this is what they came up with...
very cute... (but of course I'm biased)
Until next time -- Love Nic xo

Monday, December 6, 2010

Creative Nature

We were in the front yard waiting for Brett (Daddy) to come home yesterday and I decided to take some pics... so here are some of them from yesterday and yes they were taken with my iphone... very surprised on the quality, hope you like them.

Purple agapanthus
Lemon hibiscus on treeJust liked this one can't remember the name of the plant

Lara put a lemon hibiscus flower in the bird bath...
Anyway until next time -- Love Nic x0

Monday, November 29, 2010

I Heart Faces - Scenic B&W

One of my favourtie photos of my gorgeous family (hubby and the kids) playing at the interactive playground at our Botanical Gardens in Wollongong...

see I Heart Faces some more wonderful photography by some wonderfully creative people...

Until next time -- Nic xo

My Angels Growing Up

Hi, just and update on my beautiful angels... our sweetie girl is now six (help us when she hits 16) the attitude is incredible, fun to come... and our handsome little man is now two and cheeky as all hell...
They keep me on my feet, the straight and narrow and grounded... never thought I would ever have babies in my life and am so in awe of them everyday... love you guys.
Until next time -- Nic xo

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Creations

Just starting to create a little... just did some cute chrissy cards, not sure what to do with them yet, but just thought I would get them photographed and up on line...

Until next time -- Nic xo

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Living in the past....

The universe is an amazing place, have been chatting to old school buddies on FB and catching up with others and we are now in the midst of organising a school reunion for our Year 6 class that finished in 1980. Yes thirty years ago I hear to say... ahhhhhhh. Can't believe it either.

We are going along and this is picking up like a whirlwind, looking forward to sharing it with you along the way.

Until next time, Nic xo

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lillies from Mum

Just being creative the other day after I raided mum's garden at her and my step father's house. These lillies just had to be photographed.

Until next time - Nic xo

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Inspiration

OMG I have just found the most amazing site - a wonderful woman and her site - Dianna Vreeland, In My Own Style just incredible stuff and lots of links to all sorts of gorgeous design, craft, organising and just beautiful home stuff... Enjoy checking it out

Until next time - Nic xo

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Little Man

This is an new picture set that I took of EJ the other day. I have been so priviliged to have been able to spend the first two years of his life at home with him. He brightens my day as does his sister Lara, we have our challenges but we get through them and start each day anew.

Love you little guy... Mummy xo

Until next time -- Nic xo

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Neighbourhood Antics and Friends

We so lucky to have some great kids living in our surrounding streets. Lara and EJ love playing with them and they bring such wonderful smiles to their faces. The latest antic has been chalk drawings on the road/driveway outside (we are fortunate to live on a little road which is very quiet).

So here's a couple of pics of what the kids have been up to lately.

Until next time -- Nic xo

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Family visit to the Botantical Gardens

A few weeks ago we all went to the Wollongong Botanical Gardens for a morning of fun and fun we did have... the gardens have a new interactive play area for the kids (which they thoroughly enjoyed) and I got to take some great pics too.
If you get a chance head down there it's great. Next time we are taking a picnic with us.\\Until
Until next time -- Nic xo

My Mum - The Bravest Person I Have Ever Known

I just wanted to write today about my mum... it's been just over six months since we lost mum/grammy to her grandchildren to ovarian cancer (6 February 2010). Some days it just doesn't seem real that she is gone from our physical lives. I know that lots of people miss her terribly and I am just feeling it more for some reason at the moment, so please indulge me. Mum fought this crazy cancer so hard and she was so brave wit all the operations, tests, chemo and eventually the months in pallative care.

I was privilaged to be at her side when she finished this journey and went onto the next. She is missed everyday by all of us and I was glad that I had some time with her before she left.

Treasure the days and moments that you have with your parents in this life as they might be there forever. I miss so much about her, being able to ring her for advice or a chat or just popping in with the kids so she and poppy can have some quality time.
Miss you mum xo

Until next time
Nic xo

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Saying Goodbyes

A sad one today, we said goodbye to a wonderful man today, he had a beautiful farewell and will be sorely missed... travel safely Uncle Wayne on this leg of your journey called life. 

We love you

Until next time -- Nic xo

Mr Milo

Just another one for today - our gorgeous Cavalier Milo had a huge day at the vet today, we had some little ops and he is feeling very sore and sorry...

Milo came into our lives just when we needed a distraction from my mum's terrible journey through ovarian cancer and he came to live with us on mum's 67th birthday in December.  He is a joy and the kids adore him and he has definitely become my shadow, I'm the first person he runs to and I think Lara gets a bit jealous as he doesn't get to her until after he has seen me... but she loves him all the same.

Following in Footsteps

Back again - have found a new coffee destination close to home, discovered by my gorgeous new friend Pip (we have some much in common it's not funny) anyhoo we had some yummy coffee last week and will be frequenting the new discovery alot I think.

Pip takes the most amazing photos of lots of interesting stuff including her wonderful family so I am being a copy cat dirty rat and following in her footsteps... hope to get more pics up as we set of on our foodie and friendship adventure....

Until next time, Nic xo

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Beautiful Angels

I thought I would post a pic of my gorgeous angels Lara and Evan, our little munchkins that we thought that we would never be blessed with...

Their personalities are just so different, they are wonderful together, both very cheeky and are both just little cuddle monsters, I love it when they want a cuddle with me and each other, very cute. 

Thank you sweeties for coming in your daddy and mummy's lives, we love you xo

See you next time -- Nic xo

The First One

Hi, this is my first effort at composing a Blog so please be patient with me I will update as I go and when I can.  I'll be working through my life and of course the people and things that I love in life.  So I want to thank you for dropping in and having a read and please head off and visit some of my friends' blogs and other pages that I have put on here...

Until next time -- Nic xo