Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Neighbourhood Antics and Friends

We so lucky to have some great kids living in our surrounding streets. Lara and EJ love playing with them and they bring such wonderful smiles to their faces. The latest antic has been chalk drawings on the road/driveway outside (we are fortunate to live on a little road which is very quiet).

So here's a couple of pics of what the kids have been up to lately.

Until next time -- Nic xo

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Family visit to the Botantical Gardens

A few weeks ago we all went to the Wollongong Botanical Gardens for a morning of fun and fun we did have... the gardens have a new interactive play area for the kids (which they thoroughly enjoyed) and I got to take some great pics too.
If you get a chance head down there it's great. Next time we are taking a picnic with us.\\Until
Until next time -- Nic xo

My Mum - The Bravest Person I Have Ever Known

I just wanted to write today about my mum... it's been just over six months since we lost mum/grammy to her grandchildren to ovarian cancer (6 February 2010). Some days it just doesn't seem real that she is gone from our physical lives. I know that lots of people miss her terribly and I am just feeling it more for some reason at the moment, so please indulge me. Mum fought this crazy cancer so hard and she was so brave wit all the operations, tests, chemo and eventually the months in pallative care.

I was privilaged to be at her side when she finished this journey and went onto the next. She is missed everyday by all of us and I was glad that I had some time with her before she left.

Treasure the days and moments that you have with your parents in this life as they might be there forever. I miss so much about her, being able to ring her for advice or a chat or just popping in with the kids so she and poppy can have some quality time.
Miss you mum xo

Until next time
Nic xo