Monday, December 13, 2010

I Heart Faces - Pet Faces

Awwww how gorgeous are some of the photos at I Heart Faces - Pet Faces... just so beautiful...

So here's a pic of our Mr Milo, he has been with just almost a year now and he is almost 14 months old, and is just adored by our family...
Until next time -- Nic xo

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Now seriously kids...

Okay were were trying to get a great fun picture for the Christmas cards with year... so of course we thought, lying on the front lawn would be fun... asked the kids for a funny face and this is what they came up with...
very cute... (but of course I'm biased)
Until next time -- Love Nic xo

Monday, December 6, 2010

Creative Nature

We were in the front yard waiting for Brett (Daddy) to come home yesterday and I decided to take some pics... so here are some of them from yesterday and yes they were taken with my iphone... very surprised on the quality, hope you like them.

Purple agapanthus
Lemon hibiscus on treeJust liked this one can't remember the name of the plant

Lara put a lemon hibiscus flower in the bird bath...
Anyway until next time -- Love Nic x0